Friday 4 December 2009

DAY 19 - Tick Tock

I've done a little revising. I've got a really awful headaches so this is affecting my tolerance level. i was going over the 'Document section' in part 1 and notice some questions are unfair. It might be my headache talking but it isn't making it any less irritating to answer them. One question was ' What info can be found in your vechicle registration document?' Me thinks bit unfair. You have to have owned a car to know this. It probably in the 'The Highway code' but thats beside the point. I can't find it and i have a pounding headache and I only have 11 days. Not fair... pout...pout...*reluctantly smiling at my pup*

Need to stop self pitying and plod on. 11 days to practice my theory test and hazard perception. Yep still some days left. I've covered all section bar 1. I just need to revise the mistakes i've made and memorise the traffic signs and the overall stoping distance for different condition.

Typical Stopping Distance in Normal Condition

Typical (typical being the operative word) stopping distance in wet condition is double the above and ten times for icy condtion.

I found another site that offer free theory test with case study. Its worth checking out. . Don't confuse this to another site called . You will be forgiven if you do as the only difference is the 's' in theory-test's'. The first link provided is from the Northern Ireland Driving Standard Agency (DSA) and the second is a business offering practice theory test and hazard perception and online mock theory test. I do recommend it.

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