Monday 21 December 2009

Hoorah!! Driving test here I come

Yep I've done it and i can finally say that part is over. I have sat my test and passed. So Glad. I now have the driving test to think about, but for now i will bask in my achievement. Even if it is a minuscule achievement, it is part of something bigger. Getting a new car is closer now than ever. Yeah.


Here is some points that may help. When they say arrive early. You really should.  You given maximum time of 15 minutes practice.  If you arrive 5 minute before your test is scheduled, you are only given 5 minutes of practice.  The practice came in handy. I was in the library for an hour before the test to refresh what I've learnt and did a little times table to get the old cogs working after a sleepless night.

When i booked my test, the customer service asked me if I wanted headphones so the computer can read the question for me. I think it really helped me concentrate. I notice most of the others in the room had it too. Unfortunately it was a noisy little test room with 8 or so quashed in our very own little cubicle. Headphones really helped me focus. I read the question and heard it at the same time. I think that's why I got 49 out 50. Using two senses is better than one, I guess in my case. 

The hazard perception test was a little more tricky. Just make sure you don't go clicking several times when you see a hazard develop. My second clip score was disqualified for doing just that. I only click 4 times in the whole clip but it was fast and right after one another.
Before you start the second part of your theory test, you are given a 3 minutes break. During this time it gives you instruction on how to use the equipment and what you are meant to do. Just make sure you click on the hazards that would make you change your speed and hazard developing and not possible hazard.

Good luck!!

Sunday 20 December 2009

Last night till my test

I'm off to my theory test tomorrow. I'm glad that I'm finally going to sitting it. I will be cramming til the last minute. Done a few mock exam and pass it all. I just hope i can get the same result tomorrow. I hear and read so much about people failing their driving theory test despite of being known as the easiest test ever...mmm... will try not to think like that. Happy thoughts.

After i sit my test fail or not, I can move on to my next task in my list. Preparing for my dissertation and my little essays, exams ut firstly for christmas. I have seen so many brilliant blogs from very creative people that inspire me to do the same. I have decided to make my own centre peice for our dining table and got my son to make decorations out of salt dough. He had so much fun doing, I highly recommend it. Will post all pictures as promised.

Will always be adding some more
Inspirtional blogs:

Monday 14 December 2009

Christmas school play :(

I had to postpone my theory test till next week as my son school play has been brought forward. I am a little peeve to say the least as I was not told this on any memo. I missed out on the tickets for the show. I can't even go and watch the show. Its a small school. I would have to be sitting twiddling my thumb waiting for a ticket cancellation but i wouldn't want to be anywhere else than be there for my son. Of course if I regularly helped the school I would get the first chance to know about the tickets. This is the perks if you don't help out. :(

Friday 4 December 2009

DAY 19 - Tick Tock

I've done a little revising. I've got a really awful headaches so this is affecting my tolerance level. i was going over the 'Document section' in part 1 and notice some questions are unfair. It might be my headache talking but it isn't making it any less irritating to answer them. One question was ' What info can be found in your vechicle registration document?' Me thinks bit unfair. You have to have owned a car to know this. It probably in the 'The Highway code' but thats beside the point. I can't find it and i have a pounding headache and I only have 11 days. Not fair... pout...pout...*reluctantly smiling at my pup*

Need to stop self pitying and plod on. 11 days to practice my theory test and hazard perception. Yep still some days left. I've covered all section bar 1. I just need to revise the mistakes i've made and memorise the traffic signs and the overall stoping distance for different condition.

Typical Stopping Distance in Normal Condition

Typical (typical being the operative word) stopping distance in wet condition is double the above and ten times for icy condtion.

I found another site that offer free theory test with case study. Its worth checking out. . Don't confuse this to another site called . You will be forgiven if you do as the only difference is the 's' in theory-test's'. The first link provided is from the Northern Ireland Driving Standard Agency (DSA) and the second is a business offering practice theory test and hazard perception and online mock theory test. I do recommend it.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Day - 17 Panic sets in...

I have been very busy this week doing everything else instead of studying. My class is keeping me busy. We are setting a charity and i've decided to join. Don't know my role yet. So far all the roles are used. Brilliant for me at the moment as i have to much on my plate.

I had a few workmen sorting the house and shower room out that disturb my routine. Then the heating packed in. Not a good time with frost and unbelievable amount of rain and flood came our way. (will take some picture of river and lake burst its banks) Not seen anything like it before.

I know what your thinking, any excuse. Unfortunately it has happen but as they say onward and upward.

Driving theory test Part 1

Ok, my 'Driving theory test countdown clock' said I have 12 days. Not so good. I've been using the online when i can. So far it is the best i have used. It is thorough which what we need for our driving theory test and hazard perception. It advices you to cover each section, total of 14, with 1200 multiple questions for part one. You are to grade each question to either easy, meduim or hard. You also have the option to review the same question if you feel you are not going to remember it or not sure about it. It records the question you made a mistake on.

One of the options i really like about this site is that it gives you the option to review the 'easy', 'medium' or 'hard' section of your choice. Since it records your mistakes it give you the option to focus on those bits instead. If there is anything that i have learned in my psychology class is that, headings and repetition makes easy access to your stored memory. It places it in to your long term memory and heading helps it fish out the appropriate memory. This site allows you to do that. you can choose ie option 5 which heads as 'Hazard Awareness'. Once completed and you wanted to focus on your mistake in this section it allows you to do that and it offers correct answer, if you like. The only thumbs down is that it doesn't give you explanation why that is the right answer. For people like me who don't know much about driving, it can help with higher recall if explanation is offered.

Hazard Perception test Part 2

The second part of the driving theory test is the Hazard perception. My partner was just telling me that he knew someone who just sat his test and pass the first part with flying colours and miserably fail the second part. Yikes. This is not uncommon i have spoken to a few who have done the same. The second part seem to be the problem. ok, so why?

I think in my opinion there is not enough info about it. When i first sat my test. It was only then in the reception that i asked if you have to point at the hazard and click, do you click the mouse just before it happens or do you click at all possible hazard? Heres what he said,

CLICK ANYWHERE in the screen.
Only click on DEVELOPING HAZARD. Not potential hazard or just a milisecond before hazard occur.
Do not go clicker happy. It will exempt any marks you get from that clip.

It is easier said than done at the moment. Tomorrow I have more workmen coming over. Then I have to go to my class but must really revise before i go. I just hope i can get an hour of this done tomorrow, at least.